Rich Pictures Technique


The Rich Pictures Technique is a visual and participatory method used for problem-solving, stakeholder engagement, and understanding complex situations. It encourages individuals or groups to create rich and detailed hand-drawn or digital images that represent their perceptions, perspectives, and interpretations of a particular situation or problem. Rich Pictures are not only used for visualizing complexity but also for fostering collaboration, communication, and shared understanding among stakeholders.

Key Concepts

  1. Visual Representation: The Rich Pictures Technique relies on visual representations, typically in the form of drawings or diagrams, to capture and convey complex information and relationships.
  2. Multidimensional: Rich Pictures are multidimensional, allowing for the inclusion of various elements such as people, objects, symbols, actions, and emotions. They can represent both tangible and intangible aspects of a situation.
  3. Subjectivity: Rich Pictures are subjective and reflect the perspectives, experiences, and interpretations of the individuals or groups creating them. They provide a unique insight into how different stakeholders perceive a situation.
  4. Communication Tool: Rich Pictures serve as a powerful communication tool, enabling stakeholders to share their mental models, identify points of agreement or disagreement, and facilitate discussion.

Creating Rich Pictures

The process of creating a Rich Picture typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the Problem or Situation: Define the problem, situation, or context that you want to represent using a Rich Picture. Clarify the scope and objectives of the visualization.
  2. Gather Stakeholders: Involve relevant stakeholders who have insights or perspectives on the issue. These stakeholders may include team members, customers, partners, or experts.
  3. Visual Elements: Participants use drawings, symbols, text, and annotations to create a visual representation of the situation. Encourage them to incorporate as many details and dimensions as necessary to convey their understanding.
  4. Collaboration: Promote collaboration and discussion among participants while they work on the Rich Picture. Encourage them to explain their choices and interpretations to others.
  5. Share and Discuss: After completing their Rich Pictures, participants share their creations with the group. Discuss the commonalities, differences, and insights that emerge from the visualizations.
  6. Iterate and Refine: Depending on the feedback and insights gained during the discussion, participants may choose to refine or iterate their Rich Pictures to improve clarity or incorporate new perspectives.


The Rich Pictures Technique finds applications in various fields, including:

  • Business and Management: Organizations use Rich Pictures to visualize complex processes, organizational structures, and strategic challenges.
  • Education: In education, Rich Pictures facilitate understanding of complex concepts, encourage critical thinking, and enhance creative problem-solving.
  • Design Thinking: Designers and innovators employ Rich Pictures to gain a deeper understanding of user experiences, identify pain points, and generate innovative solutions.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare professionals use Rich Pictures to map patient journeys, visualize care processes, and improve healthcare delivery.


  • Visual Clarity: Rich Pictures provide a clear visual representation of complex situations, making it easier for stakeholders to grasp and discuss complex issues.
  • Enhanced Communication: They foster better communication and shared understanding among diverse stakeholders, including those with varying levels of expertise.
  • Creative Expression: Rich Pictures allow for creative expression and the incorporation of emotions and intangible elements into the representation.


  • Subjective Interpretation: The subjective nature of Rich Pictures can lead to different interpretations of the same situation, which may require careful facilitation and discussion.
  • Artistic Skill: Participants may be hesitant to create Rich Pictures if they lack confidence in their artistic skills.
  • Time-Consuming: The process of creating and discussing Rich Pictures can be time-consuming, especially in large or complex situations.

In conclusion, the Rich Pictures Technique is a valuable method for visually representing complex situations and fostering collaboration and shared understanding among stakeholders. It serves as a creative and participatory tool for problem-solving, decision-making, and communication in various domains.