Appreciative Review


Appreciative Review is a strategic and organizational development approach that focuses on identifying and leveraging an organization’s strengths and positive attributes to drive positive change. Unlike traditional problem-solving methods that emphasize identifying and addressing weaknesses or deficiencies, Appreciative Review seeks to amplify what is working well within an organization, fostering a culture of positivity, innovation, and continuous improvement.

Key Concepts

  1. Strength-Based Approach: Appreciative Review is grounded in a strength-based philosophy. It recognizes that organizations are more likely to excel and innovate when they build upon their existing strengths, assets, and successes.
  2. Positive Inquiry: Appreciative Review involves asking open-ended and affirmative questions that encourage participants to reflect on their achievements, values, and aspirations. These questions typically begin with phrases like “What works well when…” or “Can you describe a time when…”
  3. Cooperative Engagement: The process of Appreciative Review engages employees, stakeholders, and leaders in cooperative dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. It fosters a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for organizational success.
  4. Appreciative Leadership: Leaders play a crucial role in Appreciative Review by championing the process, setting the tone for a positive organizational culture, and encouraging open and constructive conversations.

The Appreciative Review Process

The typical Appreciative Review process involves the following stages:

  1. Define the Focus: Identify the specific area, project, or aspect of the organization that will be the focus of the review. This could be a recent success, a high-performing team, or a project that went exceptionally well.
  2. Formulate Positive Questions: Craft affirmative questions that encourage participants to share their experiences, insights, and positive stories related to the chosen focus. Questions should promote reflection on strengths, achievements, and best practices.
  3. Engage Stakeholders: Invite a diverse group of stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, to participate in the review process. Ensure representation from different levels and departments within the organization.
  4. Collect and Share Stories: Participants share their stories and experiences, highlighting what worked well, why it was successful, and the values and principles that contributed to success.
  5. Identify Common Themes: Analyze the collected stories to identify common themes, patterns, and success factors. These insights serve as the foundation for future actions and initiatives.
  6. Co-create an Action Plan: Based on the identified themes and insights, collaboratively develop an action plan that leverages the organization’s strengths to address challenges, seize opportunities, or drive improvements.
  7. Implement and Monitor: Put the action plan into action, assigning responsibilities, setting timelines, and regularly monitoring progress. Ensure continuous communication and feedback loops.
  8. Celebrate Success: As achievements are realized, celebrate them within the organization to reinforce a culture of positivity and appreciation.


Appreciative Review is applied in various organizational contexts, including:

  • Change Management: Organizations use Appreciative Review during periods of change to harness positive energy and support employees in adapting to new circumstances.
  • Strategic Planning: It informs the development of strategic plans by identifying strengths that can be leveraged to achieve organizational goals.
  • Employee Engagement: Appreciative Review enhances employee engagement by valuing their contributions and empowering them to drive positive change.
  • Innovation: It fosters innovation by encouraging employees to share innovative practices and solutions.


  • Positive Culture: Appreciative Review promotes a positive organizational culture, where individuals feel valued, motivated, and engaged.
  • Effective Problem-Solving: It leads to more effective problem-solving by building on existing strengths and successes.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Organizations become more innovative and creative as employees are encouraged to share and build upon their innovative ideas.


  • Not Suitable for All Situations: While Appreciative Review is effective for many scenarios, it may not be the best approach for addressing critical issues or crises that require immediate action.
  • Requires Time and Commitment: The process can be time-intensive and requires commitment from participants and leadership.
  • Resistance to Change: Some individuals may resist the approach if they are accustomed to more traditional problem-solving methods.

In conclusion, Appreciative Review is a valuable approach for organizations seeking to drive positive change, foster a culture of innovation, and empower their workforce. By focusing on strengths and positive stories, organizations can build upon their existing successes and achieve new heights of excellence and performance.