KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Simplicity breeds clarity and efficiency; over-complicating things creates confusion. For example, when designing a website, prioritize clear navigation and simple layouts to improve user experience.

Here are three examples of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid):

  1. Website Design: A company redesigns its homepage with a clean layout and simple navigation, focusing on the most important features like product highlights and a clear call-to-action. Instead of overwhelming users with too many links or complex graphics, the simplified interface improves user experience and conversion rates.
  2. Business Pitch: An entrepreneur delivers a concise 60-second elevator pitch to potential investors, focusing only on the core problem, solution, and market opportunity. By avoiding excessive details, the message is clearer, making it easier for investors to understand the value proposition.
  3. Product Packaging: A consumer goods company simplifies the packaging of a popular product by reducing text and design elements, focusing on clear labeling and the product’s key benefits. This makes it easier for customers to quickly identify the product and its value on the store shelf, improving sales.