Ways Small Business Owners Receive Payment, Compensation, and Profits


Small business owners have various options for receiving payment, compensation, and profits from their businesses. Understanding these options is essential for managing personal finances, tax planning, and optimizing business operations. This wiki explores the different methods by which small business owners can receive payment, compensation, and profits.

1. Salary:

  • Small business owners can pay themselves a regular salary from the business’s revenue or profits. A salary provides a consistent income stream and can be structured based on the owner’s financial needs and the business’s profitability.
  • By paying themselves a salary, owners can ensure a steady income for personal expenses and financial planning. Additionally, a salary can be used to demonstrate stable income when applying for loans or credit.

2. Owner’s Draw or Distribution:

  • Owners can take periodic withdrawals or distributions from the business’s profits, known as owner’s draws or distributions. Unlike a salary, draws are not subject to payroll taxes, but they may be subject to income tax.
  • Owner’s draws allow flexibility in accessing profits and can be taken as needed to cover personal expenses or investments outside the business. However, owners should carefully monitor their draws to ensure they do not exceed the business’s profitability.

3. Dividends:

  • If the business is structured as a corporation, owners may receive profits in the form of dividends. Dividends are payments made to shareholders based on the company’s earnings and are typically distributed periodically, such as quarterly or annually.
  • Dividends provide a tax-efficient way to distribute profits to shareholders, as they are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income. However, not all businesses may choose to pay dividends, as they are not mandatory and depend on the company’s financial performance and priorities.

4. Bonuses and Incentive Compensation:

  • Small business owners can reward themselves with bonuses or incentive compensation based on the business’s performance or specific goals. Bonuses can be one-time or recurring payments tied to achievements such as revenue targets, profitability, or milestones.
  • By offering bonuses and incentives, owners can align their compensation with the business’s success and motivate themselves to drive growth and performance. However, owners should ensure that bonuses are reasonable and sustainable given the business’s financial health.

5. Retirement Contributions:

  • Owners can contribute to retirement plans offered by the business, such as a 401(k) or SEP-IRA. Retirement contributions allow owners to save for their future while potentially reducing taxable income and benefiting from tax-deferred growth.
  • By making retirement contributions, owners can prioritize long-term financial security and retirement planning. Contributions may also be matched by the business, providing an additional incentive for saving.


Small business owners have several options for receiving payment, compensation, and profits from their businesses. Each method has its advantages and considerations, depending on the business’s structure, profitability, and owner’s financial goals. By understanding these options, owners can make informed decisions to optimize their personal finances and business operations.