Use Case: Mind-Mapping Exercise for Small Business Strategic Planning


Mind mapping is a powerful tool that fosters creativity, collaboration, and strategic thinking. In this use case, we explore how a small business, “GreenScape Landscaping,” utilizes a mind-mapping exercise for strategic planning.


GreenScape Landscaping aims to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that aligns with its vision for sustainable growth and customer satisfaction.


  1. Alex (Owner): Provides insights into the business vision and goals.
  2. Emily (Operations Manager): Offers knowledge on internal processes and resources.
  3. Charlie (Marketing Specialist): Brings expertise in market trends and customer behavior.
  4. Olivia (Finance Manager): Contributes financial insights and budget considerations.
Free man writing on whiteboard

Mind-Mapping Exercise: Strategic Planning for GreenScape Landscaping

1. Initial Brainstorming (30 mins):

  • Participants gather to brainstorm ideas related to the business’s vision, mission, and strategic goals.
  • Each participant contributes thoughts on market positioning, customer experience, and operational excellence.

2. Mind Map Creation (45 mins):

  • Using a whiteboard or mind-mapping software, participants collaboratively build a mind map.
  • Categories may include Vision, Mission, Goals, Operational Excellence, Customer Experience, Marketing Strategies, and Financial Considerations.
  • Each category branches out into specific subtopics.

3. Vision and Mission Refinement (20 mins):

  • Alex leads a discussion to refine and articulate the business’s vision and mission based on the mind map insights.
  • Participants provide feedback and suggest adjustments to ensure clarity and alignment.

4. Goal Setting and Prioritization (30 mins):

  • The group identifies strategic goals and prioritizes them based on impact and feasibility.
  • Each goal is associated with specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for measurement.

5. Operational Excellence and Resource Allocation (25 mins):

  • Emily and Olivia collaborate to identify operational improvements and allocate resources efficiently.
  • The mind map helps visualize how streamlined processes contribute to overall business success.

6. Marketing Strategies and Customer Experience (35 mins):

  • Charlie shares market trends and proposes marketing strategies.
  • The group discusses how customer experience initiatives can be integrated to enhance brand loyalty.

7. Financial Considerations and Budgeting (25 mins):

  • Olivia outlines financial considerations, including revenue projections and budget allocations.
  • The group analyzes how financial strategies align with the overall strategic plan.

8. Actionable Insights and Next Steps (15 mins):

  • The mind map is reviewed to extract actionable insights.
  • Participants collaboratively outline the next steps and assign responsibilities for plan execution.


  • GreenScape Landscaping uses the mind map as a visual reference during regular strategy review meetings.
  • Updates and adjustments to the mind map are made to reflect changes in the business environment.

Expected Outcomes:

  • A comprehensive and visual representation of GreenScape Landscaping’s strategic plan.
  • Clearly defined goals and priorities for the business.
  • Improved collaboration and alignment among team members.

By leveraging a mind-mapping exercise, GreenScape Landscaping enhances its strategic planning process, ensuring a holistic and collaborative approach to achieving its business objectives.