User Journey: Design Thinking Exercise for Innovative Product Development in a Small Business


Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that prioritizes empathy, creativity, and collaboration. In this user journey, we explore how a small business, “CraftHub Creations,” embarks on a design thinking exercise for the development of an innovative product. The process can require participatory workshop sessions over a period of a few weeks.


CraftHub Creations seeks to create a unique and marketable product that aligns with customer needs and preferences. The design thinking exercise aims to foster a deep understanding of the user, ideate creative solutions, and iteratively prototype and refine the product concept.


  1. Emma (Founder): Provides the vision and overarching goals for the company.
  2. David (Product Manager): Guides the product development process.
  3. Sophie (Customer Support): Offers insights into customer pain points and preferences.
  4. Alex (Design Specialist): Contributes creativity in translating ideas into tangible concepts.
  5. Liam (Marketing Coordinator): Brings knowledge of market trends and customer behavior.

User Journey: Design Thinking Exercise for CraftHub Creations

1. Empathize (Understanding User Needs) – Week 1:

  • Step 1: Emma and David kick off the process by defining the problem space and identifying potential user personas.
  • Step 2: Sophie conducts interviews and gathers feedback from existing customers to understand their pain points and desires.

2. Define (Framing the Problem) – Week 2:

  • Step 3: The team collaborates to synthesize the gathered information and define a specific problem statement that aligns with customer needs and business goals.

3. Ideate (Generating Creative Solutions) – Week 3:

  • Step 4: A brainstorming session is conducted with Alex leading the ideation process.
  • Step 5: The team generates a wide range of creative solutions, exploring both incremental improvements and radical innovations.

4. Prototype (Building Tangible Concepts) – Week 4-5:

  • Step 6: Alex translates selected ideas into initial sketches and prototypes.
  • Step 7: The team reviews and iteratively refines the prototypes based on feedback and feasibility considerations.

5. Test (Gathering Feedback) – Week 6-7:

  • Step 8: CraftHub Creations creates a small focus group of target users to test the refined prototypes.
  • Step 9: Liam conducts market surveys to gather broader feedback on the proposed concepts.

6. Iterate (Refining Based on Feedback) – Week 8-9:

  • Step 10: The team analyzes the feedback, identifies areas for improvement, and iterates on the product concepts.
  • Step 11: Iterative prototyping continues to enhance the product’s user experience and features.

7. Implement (Finalizing Product Concept) – Week 10:

  • Step 12: The final product concept is selected based on the iterative feedback and alignment with customer needs and business goals.

8. Launch Preparation (Week 11-12):

  • Step 13: CraftHub Creations prepares for the product launch, developing marketing strategies, and refining the go-to-market plan.
  • Step 14: The team conducts a final review, ensuring that the product concept aligns with the company’s overall vision.


  • CraftHub Creations launches the innovative product in the market.
  • Ongoing monitoring and customer feedback are collected to inform future iterations and improvements.

Expected Outcomes:

  • A deep understanding of user needs.
  • Creatively generated and refined product concepts.
  • A market-ready product aligned with customer preferences.

By immersing themselves in the design thinking process, CraftHub Creations aims to develop not just a product but a solution that resonates with users, setting the stage for sustainable growth and customer satisfaction.