Time Management Best Practice: The Pomodoro Technique


Description: The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that encourages work in short, focused intervals (known as “pomodoros”) followed by brief breaks. Each pomodoro is traditionally 25 minutes, with a 5-minute break, and after completing four pomodoros, a longer break of 15-30 minutes is taken.


  1. Increased Focus: Breaking work into short intervals helps maintain concentration and prevent burnout.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: The structured breaks provide a sense of urgency, promoting efficient task completion.
  3. Improved Work-Life Balance: The technique emphasizes the importance of regular breaks, contributing to a healthier work routine.

Use Case:


Emma, a small business owner, finds herself overwhelmed with multiple tasks related to managing her online store, coordinating with suppliers, and handling customer inquiries. She often feels scattered, leading to inefficiencies in her work.


Emma decides to implement the Pomodoro Technique to bring structure to her workday.

  1. Planning (Morning): Emma begins her day by outlining tasks and prioritizing them. She identifies specific activities suitable for Pomodoro intervals.
  2. Execution (Mid-Morning): Emma sets a timer for 25 minutes and focuses solely on a designated task, such as updating product listings on her website.
  3. Short Break (Late Morning): After completing a Pomodoro, Emma takes a 5-minute break. She might stretch, grab a snack, or briefly step away from her work area.
  4. Repeat (Afternoon): Emma repeats the process throughout the day, adjusting the length of Pomodoros based on task complexity.
  5. Long Break (Afternoon): After completing four Pomodoros, Emma takes a longer break to recharge. This break might involve going for a walk or engaging in a non-work-related activity.


  • Emma experiences heightened focus during work intervals, leading to more efficient task completion.
  • The structured breaks prevent burnout and contribute to Emma’s overall well-being.
  • Over time, Emma finds that the Pomodoro Technique helps her manage her workload more effectively.

Tips for Implementation:

  1. Start Small: Begin with a few Pomodoros and gradually adjust based on personal preferences and task requirements.
  2. Adapt to Tasks: Some tasks may require longer intervals; adjust the technique to suit different types of work.
  3. Use Tools: Various apps and timers are available to assist in implementing the Pomodoro Technique.

Incorporating the Pomodoro Technique can significantly enhance time management for small business entrepreneurs like Emma, fostering a more focused and balanced approach to daily tasks.