Project Management Use Case

Use Case: Design Thinking for Product Development


  • Alex – Small Business Owner
  • Background: Alex owns a small company specializing in consumer electronics.
  • Role: Project Sponsor, Decision Maker.
  • Emily – Product Manager
  • Background: Emily has experience in product development and is responsible for managing the project.
  • Role: Project Manager, Design Thinking Facilitator.
  • Mark – Design Engineer
  • Background: Mark is a skilled design engineer with expertise in consumer electronics.
  • Role: Design Team Member, Technical Expert.


Alex wants to introduce a new innovative product into the market and has decided to adopt a design thinking approach to ensure customer-centricity. The project involves developing a smart home automation device. Emily, the product manager, proposes using ERPNext for project management to streamline collaboration, track progress, and ensure efficient execution of design thinking methodologies.

1. Project Initiation:

  • Alex creates a new project in ERPNext, providing a project name, description, and objectives.
  • Emily sets up the project team, including herself, Mark, and other relevant stakeholders.

2. Design Thinking Workshop:

  • Emily schedules a design thinking workshop to kickstart the project.
  • The team utilizes ERPNext’s collaboration tools to share research findings, user insights, and brainstorm ideas.
  • Emily facilitates the workshop, guiding the team through the design thinking process of empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing.

3. Task Management and Assignments:

  • Based on the outcomes of the workshop, Emily creates tasks in ERPNext to capture different stages of the design thinking process.
  • Tasks are assigned to Mark and other team members, specifying deadlines and dependencies.

4. Document Management and Iterative Prototyping:

  • Mark uses ERPNext’s document management feature to upload design specifications, sketches, and prototypes.
  • The team iteratively refines the product concept, leveraging ERPNext’s version control to track changes and ensure everyone is working with the latest design iterations.

5. Progress Tracking and Collaboration:

  • The team regularly updates task statuses, communicates progress, and shares feedback within ERPNext.
  • Emily monitors the project dashboard in ERPNext to track overall progress, identify bottlenecks, and provide necessary support.

6. User Testing and Feedback:

  • The team conducts user testing sessions to gather feedback on prototypes.
  • Feedback and observations are documented in ERPNext, ensuring easy access and reference for future design iterations.

7. Closing the Project:

  • As the project nears completion, Emily reviews the project deliverables against the defined objectives.
  • The team finalizes documentation, including design specifications, user manuals, and marketing collateral, all stored in ERPNext.
  • Alex approves the project closure, acknowledging the successful completion of the design thinking project.

Through ERPNext’s project management capabilities, the small team effectively utilizes design thinking principles to develop an innovative smart home automation device. ERPNext facilitates seamless collaboration, task management, document storage, and progress tracking, enabling the team to execute the design thinking process efficiently. The project’s success is attributed to the effective utilization of ERPNext’s features, empowering the team to deliver a customer-centric product that meets market demands.