“The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future”

Author: Steve Case

Publication Year: 2016


The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future” by Steve Case is a thought-provoking exploration of the evolution of the internet and its impact on entrepreneurship. Drawing from his experiences as a co-founder of AOL and a seasoned investor, Case outlines a vision for the “Third Wave” of the internet, where innovation is deeply integrated into major sectors of the economy.

Key Themes:

  1. The Three Waves of the Internet:
    Case divides the internet’s evolution into three waves. The first wave brought the internet to consumers, the second wave integrated it into everyday life, and the third wave will involve the internet revolutionizing major industries like healthcare, education, and energy.

“The third wave of the internet is about integration, and it will change the way we live, work, and interact with the world.”

  1. Partnerships and Policy:
    The author stresses the importance of partnerships between entrepreneurs and established industries, as well as the need for thoughtful policy and regulation to navigate the challenges of the Third Wave.

“Success in the Third Wave requires collaboration between disruptors and the disrupted, as well as a smart regulatory framework.”

  1. Rise of the Rest:
    Case introduces the concept of the “Rise of the Rest,” emphasizing that innovation is not limited to traditional tech hubs. He advocates for fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems across the United States and globally.

“Innovation is not confined to Silicon Valley. The Rise of the Rest is about empowering entrepreneurs everywhere.”


  • Insightful Forecast:
  • Readers appreciate Case’s forward-looking perspective on the future of technology and entrepreneurship. The book is hailed for its insights into the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the evolving digital landscape. “Steve Case’s vision of the Third Wave is both prescient and enlightening. A must-read for anyone navigating the intersection of technology and business.”
  • Critique for Optimism:
  • Some readers note that while Case is optimistic about the potential for innovation in the Third Wave, he doesn’t shy away from acknowledging the obstacles that entrepreneurs will face. “The book strikes a balance between optimism and realism. Steve Case acknowledges the challenges ahead while inspiring confidence in the entrepreneurial spirit.”


The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future” is a compelling manifesto for entrepreneurs seeking to understand and thrive in the next phase of the internet’s evolution. Steve Case’s unique insights, coupled with his experiences at the forefront of the digital revolution, make this book a valuable guide for those shaping the future of technology and business.

“Prepare for the Third Wave by embracing collaboration, navigating policy challenges, and recognizing that innovation knows no geographic bounds. Steve Case provides the roadmap for entrepreneurs of the future.”

This review encapsulates the key themes of the book and provides a snapshot of its reception, emphasizing its insightful forecasts and the balance between optimism and realism in Case’s vision of the Third Wave.