Invoice Template

Creating a professional invoice is essential for your small business to bill clients accurately and efficiently. Here’s a template for a basic invoice that you can customize to suit your specific business needs:

Invoice Template

[Your Company Logo]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

Invoice Number: [Invoice Number]
Invoice Date: [Invoice Date]
Due Date: [Due Date]

Bill To:
[Client’s Name]
[Client’s Company Name]
[Client’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Client’s Email Address]
[Client’s Phone Number]

Payment Instructions:
Bank: [Your Bank Name]
Account Name: [Your Account Name]
Account Number: [Your Account Number]
Routing Number: [Your Routing Number]
Swift Code (if applicable): [Swift Code]
Payment Terms: [Payment Terms, e.g., Net 30]

Description of Products/Services:

ItemDescriptionQuantityUnit PriceTotal
001[Product/Service 1][Quantity]$[Unit Price]$[Total]
002[Product/Service 2][Quantity]$[Unit Price]$[Total]
Tax (X%):$[Tax Amount]
Total:$[Total Amount]


[Include any additional notes or terms here, if necessary.]

Thank You For Your Business!

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]


  • Add your company’s logo, name, and contact details at the top.
  • Fill in the invoice number, date, and due date.
  • Customize the “Bill To” section with your client’s details.
  • In the “Payment Instructions” section, provide your banking information for payment.
  • List the products or services provided, including item descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and totals.
  • Calculate the subtotal and any applicable taxes.
  • Add any relevant notes or terms regarding the payment or services.
  • Sign the invoice with your company name and contact information.

This template provides a structured format for creating professional invoices for your small business. You can further tailor it to your specific industry and requirements.