Payroll Form Template for Small Business

Creating a payroll form for a small business is essential for managing employee compensation. Here’s a template for a basic Payroll Form that you can use in your small business. You can adapt this template to suit your specific needs and local regulations:

Payroll Form Template for Small Business

[Company Name] Payroll Form

Pay Period: [Month/Year]

Employee Information:

Employee Name:Employee ID:Social Security Number:Date of Hire:

Payroll Details:

Pay Date:Regular Hours Worked:Overtime Hours Worked:Hourly Rate:Overtime Rate:
[Pay Date][Regular Hours][Overtime Hours]$[Hourly Rate]$[Overtime Rate]


Regular Wages$
Overtime Wages$
Other Earnings$
Total Earnings$


Federal Income Tax$
State Income Tax$
Social Security (FICA)$
Health Insurance$
Retirement Contributions$
Other Deductions$
Total Deductions$

Net Pay:

| Net Pay: | $ |

Authorized Signatures:

Employee’s Signature:Date:
Employer’s Signature:Date:


  • Customize the form with your company’s name and logo, and include any additional fields specific to your business or industry.
  • Ensure that you calculate regular and overtime wages accurately according to your country or state’s labor laws.
  • Keep records of each pay period and retain them for future reference and tax purposes.
  • Both the employee and employer should sign the form to acknowledge and document the payment.

This template is a starting point for your small business payroll process. Depending on your specific requirements, you can expand or modify the form to include more details, such as deductions for health insurance, retirement plans, or other benefits, as well as relevant tax information. It’s important to maintain accurate payroll records and comply with all legal requirements related to payroll and compensation.