Order: The Growing Garden Metaphor

The Growing Garden Metaphor of Order and Entropy

Entropy vs. Negentropy

In the natural world, on the large scale, the concept of entropy often refers to the tendency of systems to move towards disorder and randomness over time. To contrast this, let’s use the metaphor of “The Growing Garden” to illustrate the idea of negentropy (negative entropy, or order). We also find negentropy in ecosystems and social systems.


Entropy (Disorder)

  • Untended Garden: In a neglected garden, without proper care and attention, plants wither, weeds overtake the space, and disorder prevails. This is analogous to the concept of entropy in which systems tend to naturally degrade and become more chaotic without external intervention.
  • Natural Decay: In an untended garden, natural processes of decay and randomness predominate. Without an organizing force, the garden succumbs to entropy.

Negentropy (Order)

  • Well-Tended Garden: Conversely, a well-tended garden thrives with vibrant plants, carefully arranged beds, and a sense of order. This represents the concept of negentropy, where systems can maintain or increase their order and organization through input of energy and purposeful effort.
  • Growth and Regeneration: In a well-tended garden, the input of energy (e.g., sunlight, water, care) leads to growth, regeneration, and the preservation of order over time. This aligns with the idea of negentropy, where systems counteract the natural tendency towards disorder.

Relevance to Small Business Entrepreneurs

The Growing Garden Metaphor, illustrating negentropy, is relevant to small business entrepreneurs in several ways:

1. Business Care and Growth

  • Tending the Business: Entrepreneurs can view their business as a garden that requires consistent care, effort, and investment to maintain and grow.

2. Organizational Health

  • Preserving Order: Entrepreneurs can recognize that, like a well-tended garden, a business can maintain and even enhance its organizational health, structure, and effectiveness through purposeful actions.

3. Innovation and Investment

  • Input of Energy: Entrepreneurs can understand that by investing energy, resources, and innovation, they can counteract the natural forces of entropy and foster growth, efficiency, and order within their business.

4. Sustainability

  • Long-Term Viability: The metaphor encourages entrepreneurs to consider sustainability and long-term viability as they tend to their business, preventing the gradual decay associated with entropy.

5. Systems Thinking

  • Balancing Forces: Embracing this metaphor promotes a systems thinking approach, where entrepreneurs recognize the interplay of entropy and negentropy within their business environment.


In conclusion, The Growing Garden Metaphor illustrates the contrast between entropy and negentropy by portraying a neglected garden succumbing to disorder (entropy) and a well-tended garden thriving with purposeful care and growth (negentropy).

This metaphor encourages entrepreneurs to adopt a mindset of purposeful action, investment, and innovation in their business endeavors. By recognizing that they can counteract the natural forces of entropy and foster order and growth, entrepreneurs can build and sustain thriving and resilient businesses over time.