Law of Requisite Variety

Law of Requisite Variety in Systems Thinking


The Law of Requisite Variety is a fundamental concept in systems thinking, emphasizing the importance of having an appropriate variety of responses to match the variety of challenges or disturbances a system may face. It recognizes that effective control and adaptation in complex systems require a sufficient range of responses.

Key Concepts:

  1. Variety of Challenges:
  • The Law of Requisite Variety acknowledges that systems must be prepared to address a diverse range of challenges and uncertainties, both expected and unexpected.
  1. Matching Responses:
  • To maintain stability and adaptability, a system’s variety of responses must match the variety of challenges it encounters. In other words, the system should have the capacity to respond effectively to different situations.

Significance in Systems Thinking:

  • The Law of Requisite Variety is significant in systems thinking because it:
  • Enhances Resilience: By ensuring that a system has a variety of responses, it becomes more resilient and better equipped to handle unexpected disruptions.
  • Supports Adaptability: Matching responses to challenges allows a system to adapt and adjust to changing conditions or disturbances effectively.
  • Balances Control: It helps systems balance the need for control and stability with the need for flexibility and innovation.


  1. Cybernetics: The Law of Requisite Variety is a fundamental concept in cybernetics, which focuses on control and communication in systems. It’s applied in fields like robotics, artificial intelligence, and organizational management.
  2. Emergency Response: Emergency management systems use this principle to ensure they have a variety of response strategies to handle different types of disasters and crises.
  3. Business Strategy: In business, the concept of requisite variety is applied in risk management, ensuring that organizations are prepared for a variety of market conditions and competitive challenges.


  • Implementing the Law of Requisite Variety can be challenging, as it requires identifying and preparing for a wide range of potential challenges. Overly complex systems with too many responses can also become unwieldy.


The Law of Requisite Variety is a core concept in systems thinking that emphasizes the need for systems to have an appropriate variety of responses to match the variety of challenges they may encounter. By ensuring a balanced range of responses, systems become more resilient, adaptable, and effective in navigating complex and dynamic environments. This principle is applied across various domains to support effective control, decision-making, and problem-solving.